Human Kind are like sponges from the day they enter the world. I believe we all have something in us called a truth box. From the day we are born we absorb things from our family, friends, culture, society, media, music and more importantly family (parents being the most influential) As we grow in life truth is supposed to go into this box, but unfortunately untruth sneakily slips in from these influences with us not even knowing it. So some of the things put in this box can be false. For instance, if a person experienced abuse from a parent or person, (mentally, physically, spiritually) friends devaluing values and even the smallest experiences that might have just hurt ones feelings effect the ideas and choices that stem from this box. They distort the truths that are supposed to go into this truth box. (People let their untruths leak into others lives) This box is where most hold there beliefs about god. As we grow up we are fed beliefs from actions or words from people or parents. As we know some of these are false and can end up distorting this truth. All of our boxes are distorted in some aspect and its mostly because of the deception in and around our world and in humans. This box has much authority in each of our lives effecting every choice we make while each of us think that we have this perfect picture of reality. This is a condition of the human race; we believe deceptions about our reality. Another example of this is if a child grows up with a controlling parent that is quick to anger or something like that, as this child reaches adult hood and grows it is shown this is how he will relate and think of God, his father in heaven. After all the originality of the family was to be in Gods image. That's why our families have such a profound effect on us.
There are many people out there that don't realize its those negative experiences in life that have effected the truth that is in all of us for god. Humans would rather believe deception than truth, partly because its something they are faced with once they are faced with this world. People can be so quick to blame god, when they really should be looking at humanity. If some would turn to him and be open and just ask for his help and include him in their life they would be amazed at the results. God is not our sugar daddy, he is like a father and people are his children he is there to teach right choices and to give love not to be like okay do what makes you happy . He is what a good parent is supposed to be. He is just, but he is just for the right reasons. In the world today people cling to untruths because of their lost thoughts and feelings. They believe things like popular movement. There are all of these different things to believe in now days such as Buddhism, hedonism, atheism, sprit, occulted. but one thing these all have in common is that each person has their own definition of God, which means each person has their own defintion of morals, values and right from wrong do to self and selfishness. or better yet some people dont believe in anything. So they have toally taken the heat off their selves.People don't realize that this not good even though we live in a world that promotes it. Selfishness separates a person not just from God, but from many beneficial things in this life. The definition of this word should be robbing ones well being. People think that when they are selfish that it will bring them good when in reality it doesn't. it's a condition that we all can suffer from. I don't know about you, but man has had his hand in this deck of cards for a long time because of this condition including greed and it doesn't look like it to me that its helping anything in this world. God gave us choice. He does not want us to be his robots. He wants us to choose to be apart of his family, he wants us to choose him. That is the reason he put the tree in the garden of Eden. That doesn't mean that one's life becomes perfect, it means that one has freedom of this world and what it can do. Instead of having the world rule over you its saying God I want you to be over me in not just the bad but the good.
Some one told me one time being a Christian makes things easier. To be a true Christian; easy is absolutely the last word that would come to mind for any Christian. Being a Christian is seeing the world through gods eyes and that my friend is not easy at all. Its basically going against what we are taught in our society, culture and world and choosing to try to live by something higher. It is definitely not easy or more people might be doing it or be willing to. But one thing that it does do, is bring a whole lot better outcome in anything in this life. It brings hope, it brings love, it brings true freedom, it brings happiness, it brings justice, it brings change, it brings life, it brings compassion, it brings passion, it brings so many things that this world is lacking. What is in your truth box? Does it bring you and the world around you happiness and well being? hope everyone is blessed!!
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